All of our properties are open for inspection by appointment.
Call First National Real Estate Tamworth on (02) 67666122
After 40 years in the same family, now is your chance to love, share and enjoy this proven family home.
Built how they used to build them, this is an excellent example of true craftsmanship.
It has had some modern tweaks and updates over the years, and theres still lots of potential to add your own and take it to the next level.
With great bones, you will be impressed by the overall condition.
3 Bedrooms with 3 separate living areas
Modern kitchen with industrial gas cooker
Family bathroom, single toilet, 2 showers
Lovely 9ft high ceilings, wide hallways, timber floors
Double brick construction with terra cotta tiles
Single garage with off street vehicle access to yard
Solar hot water, views to the CBD, easy walking distance
2 Wood fire places, gas heating & evap cooling
585 Sqr mtr block
Margo Taggart 0427-167 282 Principle
David Doherty 0417-288 545 Principle
Brooke Phillis 0432-561 719 Licensed Agent
Disclaimer: We have not verified whether or not that the information in this advertisement is accurate and we do not have any belief one way or the other of its accuracy. All purchasers must rely completely upon their own inquiries before purchasing.
First National Real Estate Tamworth is TAMWORTH FURNISHED ACCOMMODATION